After more than two years of development, we have now released LobbySpace 2 with, among other things, the following options:
Screen tags
You can easily group multiple screens with a screen tag to keep track of even hundreds of screens. Even across locations.
Template Management 2.0
With LobbySpace you stay in control of your appearance. Create and manage your CI-compliant templates. 100% with your own font and design.
Teams – manage locations and users with ease.
LobbySpace allows you to work with different teams. You can also assign users individually to your teams.
Enterprise-ready. Ohne wenn und aber.
DSGVO-konform, Single Sing On über Microsoft sind erst der Anfang. Zudem erhalten Sie Schulungen und einen eigenen Customer Success Manager an Ihre Hand.
Enterprise ready. No ifs and buts.
GDPR compliant, Single Sing On via Microsoft are just the beginning. You will also receive training and your own Customer Success Manager.
Last but not least…
Perfectly crop images in just a few seconds using AI.